Friday, May 20, 2011

The week flew by here in Guatemala! I don't even know where to begin with what has been going on! First off, I started going out to El Yahlu this week with three of the teachers from the church and have absolutely loved that! It's just Monday, Wednesday, and Friday when I get done at the school. I actually ride the "chicken bus" out there which is quite an adventure in itself. For those who don't know "chicken bus" is the name that was given to these buses I think for how fast they go and how the drivers play chicken on the mountain. It sounds worse than it is though, the bus I ride is pretty safe and the teachers have been taking it all year and have been fine :) In El Yahlu the teachers have a Bible lesson on Monday and then split into age groups on Wednesday and Friday to do math, literacy, whatever is being learned in school. I just basically help with whatever help is needed and enjoy listening to the different lessons.
The girls after getting their hair washed (cute pink towels, huh?) 

On Monday we also washed the children's hair which was fun! There is a problem with lice for those children so once a week washing the hair helps. It was amazing to be able to help with that. The children were so patient and never complaining about the cold water or having to stand over a high sink. They silently bore the cold and then said "gracias" as finished. It's crazy how much a simple experience like that can teach you.

Classes are going good at the school. I hear and say "hello" and "goodbye" more than you could imagine! Clearly these are the only two words the students have learned so far in my teaching, but they really enjoy using them. I love teaching and spending time with the students and I can only pray and trust God that they are learning at least a little bit of English from me. I'm also trusting God that through me they see His love and grace and that I can be a witness to them through my teaching. So many things are out of my hands though, so trusting God with everything has become easier and easier :)

Some of the students at the school working on numbers in English
As the next week comes my way I'm preparing more lessons, hoping to meet more people from the church, and praying that the Lord uses me here in Guatemala. He is doing amazing things here in and through these people!

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