Sunday, June 19, 2011

Isn't she precious!!??

"Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." - 1 John 3:18. As I read this verse I was overwhelmed but the knowledge that this is exactly what the church, Los Olivos, is doing here in Sumpango, in El Yahlu, and in their church. The focus and vision that the church leadership has is not just reaching the needs of their people spiritually and then not showing God's love through actions but rather the focus is on meeting the needs of the people both spiritually and physically. Los Olivos is truly loving God's people with actions and in truth and to be able to be a part of that this last month has been such a blessing, more than I can put into words!
Helping Karla in the kitchen. One of my favorite things to do :)

The teachers at the school got me a typical outfit as a gift for Teacher's Day!  Here I am standing with Olga, she has been a huge blessing in my time here in Guatemala!

As the different teams from the US have been helping here in Sumpango (today the team from Faith Free arrives!) I have been able to be even more a part of serving God alongside both the church from America and Los Olivos. This past week we headed out to El Yahlu to do a VBS for the children each afternoon. The last day we ended up with about 530 students from the village! We barely all fit in the building out there! The children absolutely loved it and the helpers from the visiting church and from Los Olivos worked side-by-side to make it all happen. Just to see the joy on the children's faces as our bus pulled up was amazing. Again I was reminded how loving our God is when I saw those smiling faces each day.
Singing during VBS out in El Yahlu

Just look at his beautiful smiling face! How can you not see the love of God there!

In the school I have been able to finally incorporate more games and crafts for the kids! A retired teacher from the last group was wise enough to think to bring some necessities for Meagan and I to use and let me tell you we have used them! With so many children and so many classes I was struggling to think of fun and different games that used no supplies, but now with the paper and other things she brought I have been able to teach more through arts and crafts and games, and the children absolutely love it! Even something as simple as a balloon has turned out to fill the entire class time with fun and believe-it-or-not a little learning too :)

Playing a game with the balloon!

So as I venture sadly into my last two weeks here in Guatemala I am praying the God completely opens my eyes to all He has to show me. He has already shown me so much in my time here, but just by looking out at His vast creation I know that there is plenty more my eyes and heart will be opened to :) I am just excited to see what it is He has in store!
It was Marta's birthday this past week! We celebrated with delicious cake!


  1. you almost look Guatemalan in that "traditional" (Brittany) dress - except the blonde hair and white skin :-) love ya, we (mom's sitting next to me in CA) look forward to seeing you!

  2. Love that picture of you and that precious baby!! =) See you soon, sister!!
